AQUA-FLEX is an Optimized Water-Based Drilling Fluid (OWBDF) which utilizes a unique suite of additives to address the primary drilling challenges found throughout the Permian Basin and other Unconventional areas. The system is designed to reduce costs by pairing data and system components with actual well risks. Product selection and concentration promote maximum rate of penetration (ROP) with a lower cost per-barrel. Because AQUA-FLEX excludes unnecessary components, it reduces the cost impact of major downhole losses.
AQUA-FLEX is ideal for unconventional wells where low shale permeability and low-to-no formaon reactivity can be addressed with simple, fit-for-purpose additives. Core components include a selection among a family of lubricants, such as BRINEX, to lower torque and drag. WALLPLEX, an optional wall cake additive, enhances lubricity and lowers fluid loss when required. AES FLOC 4003 complements solids control equipment to improve removal of drill solids, effectively lowering environmental impact through water usage reduction and haul-off. A corrosion inhibition package migates corrosion rates and extends drill pipe life. Maximum ROP relies upon high spurt loss and hole cleaning through turbulence to transport cungs. Because opmal performance relies on maintaining a solids-free fluid, AQUA-FLEX density is limited to the sourced base brine – often ~10.0 lb/gal. For densities above 10.0 lbm/gal that require specialty brines, consider using EnerCLEAR. If necessary, AQUA-FLEX is convertible to a conventional water-based fluid.

AQUA-FLEX maximizes ROP through efficient drill cuttings transport via turbulent flow, high spurt-loss to clear cuttings from near bit, and minimal torque & drag through proper lubricant selection and application.

AQUA-FLEX component selection and concentrations are easily modified based on drilling challenges relevant to the drilling location. Performance and cost savings are realized by matching products to specific risks.
Minimizing torque & drag while extending drill pipe life is achieved through proper selection among a family of lubricants, including BRINEX.
Drill solids removal is enhanced through the injection of AES FLOC 4003 utilizing existing rig equipment. As drilled solids are removed, drilling performance is improved and water usage for dilution is minimized,
lowering environmental impact.

Flexible Features
WALLPLEX, a single-sack wall cake additie and fluid loss reducer, can be deployed to address acute risk of wellbore instability.

AQUA-FLEX components are designed to perform across a wide variety of brine sources, from freshwater to sodium chloride to select produced brines.

Before (left) and after (right) a solids-laden field brine is treated with AES FLOC 4003